The Triple Empathy Paradigm and Social Contemplation

At the intersection of social understanding, neuroscience, and traditional Chinese philosophy lies our approach: The Extraordinary Gaze. It’s a perspective that’s born from the realization of Triple Empathy—a term coined to express the multidirectional nature of empathy often experienced by autistic individuals.

This framework isn't just theoretical; it's the lived experience of Katie Zitterbart, who, through her autistic unmasking and post-traumatic growth, has harnessed a profound understanding of the nuanced interplay of empathy within social contexts.

Triple Empathy becomes the contemplative scaffold for the social aspects of our work. It challenges the prevalent misconceptions about empathy in autism and, instead, celebrates the unique ways in which autistic individuals connect and understand the world and others around them. Our work acknowledges and incorporates these insights into a comprehensive model of social interaction and health.

Realigning Perceptions with Tufte’s Design Principles

In guiding the minds to better navigate social complexities, we invoke the clarity and integrity of Edward Tufte’s Design Principles. These principles underpin the structuring of our information and the presentation of our research, emphasizing the importance of clear, direct communication and the intelligent use of visual space. By adopting these principles, we ensure that the rich tapestry of social interactions, as perceived through an autistic lens, is presented with the depth and respect it deserves.

Transforming the Body's Analysis: From Planes to Axes

Central to Katie Zitterbart's philosophy is the transformative shift from contemplating the body through planes to understanding it through axes. This axial contemplation aligns with the body's true form and the neural pathways that govern our perceptions, thus correcting the massive distortions often experienced through media representations and the divided nature of the human neural networks.

Innovative Applications and Research

Katie Zitterbart's work is backed by rigorous research that resonates deeply with the needs of the present. We invite you to explore the thought-provoking findings detailed in these papers, which reinforce the pillars of our approach:

The Rejuvenation of the Withering Nation State and Bio-power: The New Dynamics of Human Interaction

Barriers to healthcare and a ‘triple empathy problem’ may lead to adverse outcomes for autistic adults: A Qualitative Study